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scalability, 109
terminations, 109–110
visionaries, 94–97
accounting process, 152
“Acres of Diamonds” story, 46–47
“aha” moment, 209
Asphalt Specialists, Inc.
passion and niche, 51
visionary/integrator, 95
Atlas Oil Company
10-year target, 54
measurables, 67
niche, 51
Autumn Associates
10-year target, 53
niche, 51
right people, 81–82
three uniques, 59
The Benefits Company, 202–203
Ben-Shahar, Tal, 217
Berra, Yogi, 53
Berriz, Albert, 207
Bethlehem Steel Company, 123
Blanchard, Kenneth, 103, 133
Blank, Andy, 151
Blank, Ron, 151
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 131
boredom, 47
Broder, Rich, 47–48, 213
Broder & Sachse Real Estate Services, Inc., 47–48
Built to Last (Collins and Porras), 36, 53
Burlingham, Bo, 212
Burrows, Hal, 103
business model, 7
business plans
10-year target, 52–54
one-year plan, 68–69
quarterly Rocks, 70
three-year picture, 66–68
Vision/Traction Organizer and, 31–33
capacity to do it (GWC), 99–102
Capital Coating Technologies, Inc. (CCT), 48
Carnegie, Dale, 123
ceiling, hitting the, 17–23, 210–211
chaos, 167–168
checklists, 156
clarity and numbers, 124
clarity breaks, 214–215
“click,” 209
Collins, Jim, 36, 46, 49, 53, 81, 142, 211
commitment and numbers, 124
communication, 74–77, 167, 168
compartmentalizing, 212–213
competition, 124
CompSat, 117
Confidence: How Winning and Losing Streaks Begin and End (Kanter), 202
consensus, 141–142
consistency, 149
Conwell, Russet H., 46–47
core abilities, 19–23
core focus, 46
core processes, 151–158
core values
defined, 35–46
hiring process, 45
real world list of, 36–37
speeches on, 39–44
steps for defining, 36–38
why it works, 208–209
Covey, Stephen, 46, 171
Cunningham/Limp, 50
Cupp, Sam, 5, 117, 215
customer/employee headlines, 192
customer-retention process, 152
Data Component, 113–127
introduced, 5–6
measurables, 122–126
Scorecard, 116–121
summary, 127
why it works, 208
Delegate and Elevate, 103–108
delegate core leadership abilities, 20
departmental Issues List, 135
dictatorships, 16
distractions (shiny stuff), 46–47, 52, 216–217
Domino’s guarantee, 64
donkey story, 55
Dube, Rob, 35, 48
The Eighth Habit (Covey), 46
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 19
employees. see also leadership team; people; People Component
Accountability Chart, 4–5
core values, 35
core values speech, 45
GWC introduced, 5
human resources, 152, 154–155
People Analyzer tool introduced, 4–5
right people in the right seats, 4–5
shared by all, 74–77
Unique Ability®, 82
vision, 3–4, 29–30
The E-Myth Revisited (Gerber), 19, 21, 150
The E-Myth (Gerber), 19, 21, 150
Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). see also Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) tools
Core Processes, 151–158
Data Component introduced, 5–6
Issues Component introduced, 6
leadership team, 166
one operating system, 23
People Component introduced, 4–5
Process Component introduced, 7–8
proven process example, 62
readiness, 24
The Six Key Components introduced, 3–9
Traction Component introduced, 8–9
Vision Component introduced, 3–4
why it works, 208–209
Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) tools. see also Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Accountability Chart, 89–11
Core Process Documentation, 151–158
IDS (identify, discuss, and solve), 144, 182, 193–194
Issues List, 133–135
Issues Solving Track, 136–141
measurables, 122–127
Meeting Pulse, 176–198
People Analyzer, 85–89
Rocks, 170–176
Scorecard, 116–121
Vision/Traction Organizer, 31–73
EOS. see Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Escobar, Ed, 31, 34
evolution, Accountability Chart, 109
external growth, 18–19
Federal Express guarantee, 64
finance and administration, Accountability Chart, 90–93
First Things First (Covey), 171
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni), 30, 133
Focus (Ries), 4, 49, 170
“followed by all” action steps, 161
Ford, Henry, 215
Franklin Communities, 150–151
Gerber, Michael, 19, 21, 150
Get Back in the Box: Innovation from the Inside Out (Rushkoff), 56
get it (GWC), 99–102
Gitre, Bill, 158
Giuliani, Rudolph, 117
goal setting
10-year target, 53
one-year plan, 68–69
quarterly Rocks, 70
three-year picture, 66–68
Gödel, Kurt, 149
Good to Great (Collins), 46, 49, 81, 211
Great White, 96
growth, 17–19
bigger is not always better, 211–212
external growth, 18–19
hitting the ceiling, 17–23
internal growth, 18–19
letting go of the vine, 13–25
orientation toward, 24
guarantee, 64–65
GWC (get it, want it, and capacity to do it), 5, 99–102
Gysel, Patrick, 96
Hana, The Road to, 217
Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment (Ben-Shahar), 217
Harnish, Verne, 34, 171
Harris Interactive/Franklin Covey poll, 74
Hill, Napoleon, 131, 142
hiring process, 45
hitting the ceiling, 17–23, 210–211
Horan, Jim, 34
How to Win Friends & Influence People (Carnegie), 123
human resources (HR), 152, 154–155
Identity Marketing and Public Relations, 57, 60
IDS (identify, discuss, and solve), 144, 182, 193–194
Image One
core focus, 48–50
core values, 35
guarantee, 64
niche, 51
passion and niche, 51
process component, 161
target market, 57, 58
integrators, 92–94
internal growth, 18–19
Israel, Dan, 209
Issues Component, 129–146
10 Co
mmandments, 141–143
IDS (identify, discuss, and solve), 144, 182, 193–194
introduced, 6
Issues List, 70–73, 133–135, 182
Issues Solving Track, 6–7, 136–146, 182, 209
personal issues, 144–145
solution statement, 143
summary, 146
Issues List, 70–73, 133–135, 182
Issues Solving Track
10 Commandments, 141–143
IDS (identify, discuss, and solve), 182
introduced, 6–7
steps, 136–141
why it works, 209
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 202
keep it simple stupid (KISS), 19
Kelleher, Herb, 60
KISS (keep it Simple, stupid), 19
Knaup, Amy E., 19
Lawson, Larry, 151
Leadership (Giuliani), 117
leadership team. see also people; People Component
Accountability Chart, 99
building, 16–17
core abilities, 19–23
Entrepreneurial Operating System, 166
Issues List, 134
responsibilities in, 17
three-year picture, 66–68
united front of, 17
leading, managing, and holding people accountable (LMA), 96
Lencioni, Patrick, 17, 30, 133
letting go of the vine, 9, 13–25
Level 10 Meeting Agenda, 8, 189–196
Level 10 Meetings, 189–198
Life Business Management Plan, 34
LMA (leading, managing, and holding people accountable), 96
Lombardi, Vince, 191
luftmensch, 166
Managing by Values (Blanchard and O’Connor), 133
marketing process, 152
marketing strategy
defining/determining, 54–65
guarantee, 64–65
“The List,” 56–59
proven process, 61–62
target market, 56–59
uniques, 59–60
V/TO and, 4
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits (Harnish), 34, 171
10-year target, 54
core focus, 50
core values, 38, 45
niche, 51
rollout, 207
target market, 57, 58
three uniques, 59
vision clarification, 76
measurables, 67, 122–126
meeting, vision, 75
Meeting Pulse, 176–198
annual, 184–188
introduced, 8
Issues List, 182
meetings, 8
quarterly, 179–183
team building, 185–186
weekly, 189–196
why it works, 208
mission statement (core focus), 46
Monthly Labor Review report, 19
moving at your own speed, 206–207
90-day plans. see quarterly Rocks
90-day world, 171, 177–179, 208, 210
New York Police Department, 117
niche, defining, 49–52
NicheNext, 212
Niche Retail
36 hours of pain, 110–111
Accountability Chart, 105–108
closing of, 212
core focus of, 52
delegate and elevate, 103–104
hitting the ceiling, 211
solving issues, 142
target market, 58
Nomura, Catherine, 82
number, everyone has a, 122–126
Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success, 59–60
Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: The Four Disciplines at the Heart of Making Any Organization World Class (Lencioni), 17
obstacles. see Issues Component
O’Connor, Michael, 133
Oncken, William Jr., 103
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey (Burrows, Oncken, and Blanchard), 103
one name, two seats, 102
The One Page Business Plan (Horan), 34
One-Page Strategic Plan, 34
one-year plan, 68–69, 186–187
open-mindedness, 24
operating systems, 23
operations, 90–93, 152
organization, business, 169
organizational chart, 109
Organizational Checkup questionnaire, 10–12, 203–205
Orville Redenbacher niche, 51
passion and niche, 50–52
Pearlman, Joel, 48, 64
people. see also employees; leadership team; People Component
core value speech, 45
hitting the ceiling, 17–23
human resources, 152, 154–155
integrators, 92–94
one name, two seats, 102
personal issues, 144–145
right people in the right seat, 4–5
shared by all, 74–77
Unique Ability®, 82–85
visionaries, 94–97
People Analyzer tool, 4–5, 85–89
People Component, 79–112. see also employees; Leadership team; people
Accountability Chart, 89–11
People Analyzer, 4–5, 85–89
right people, 81–82, 85–89
right person, wrong seat, 83
right seats, 89
summary, 112
wrong person, right seat, 83–84
Perles, George, 140
personal issues, 144–145
Porras, Jerry L, 36, 53
predictions, 20–21
Pritchett, Price, 53
problems. See Issues Component
problem solving and numbers, 125
Process Component, 147–162
business model, 7
following, 158–161
introduced, 7–8
process and procedures, 18, 21–22
proven process, 61–62
summary, 162
Way, 7–8, 22, 150–158
Professional Grounds Services
core values, 39
rollout, 207
The Professional Group, 76
profit number, 67
progress, 206–207
purpose, 49–50
Putting it All Together, 199–217
QEK Global Solutions, 5
quarterly Rocks, 70, 173
questionnaire, Organizational Checkup, 10–12, 203–205
Randall Industries, 39
RCS, 96
readiness, 24
RE/MAX First
Issues Solving Track, 139
vision clarification, 76
responsibility, 17
results and numbers, 125
revenue, three-year picture, 67
Ries, Al, 4, 49, 170
right person, wrong seat, 83
right seats, 89
Risking (Viscott), 24
risk taking, 24
The Road to Hana, 217
defined, 8
defining, 70
establishing, 171–175
Level 10 Meetings, 191, 192
Rock Sheet, 173–174
shared by all, 174
Traction Component and, 170–176
traps and pitfalls, 175–176
Ronnisch, Bernie, 101
Ronnisch Construction Group
Accountability Chart, 101
passion and niche, 51
Roosevelt’s, 158
Rushkoff, Douglas, 56
Sachse, Todd, 47–48, 125–126, 159, 213
Sachse Construction, 125–126, 159–160
sales/marketing, Accountability Chart, 90–93
sales process, 152
same-page meetings, 213–214
scalability, 109, 158
br /> Schechter, Marc, 18
Schechter, Robert, 18
Schechter Wealth Strategies (SWS)
10-year target, 54
core focus, 50
core values, 38
hitting the ceiling, 18
proven process, 61
Schwab, Charles, 123
Scorecard, 116–121
defined, 5
example, 118
Level 10 Meetings, 191–192
rules of thumb, 120–121
weekly reporting, 5–6
shared by all, 74–77, 174
Shenefelt, Bob, 96
shiny stuff, 46–47, 52, 216–217
simplify, 19
The Six Key Components
Data Component, 113–127
Issues Component, 129–146
People Component, 79–112
Process Component, 147–162
Traction Component, 163–198
Vision Component, 27–77
Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big (Burlingham), 212
Smith, Jonathan B., 51–52
Smith, Tyler, 51, 52, 104, 110–111, 142, 212
solution statement, 143
Sorock, Brad, 52, 104
Southwest Airlines, 59–60
speeches, core values, 39–44
stagnation, 167
Starbucks gift card story, 76
StarTrax, 216
state-of-the-company meeting, 75
The Strategic Coach, Inc., 82
The Strategic Coach Program, 19
strategic planning, 4
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), 186
structure, 22
Sullivan, Dan, 19, 46, 82
sweet spot, 4, 46, 52
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), 186
SWS. See Schechter Wealth Strategies
systemizing, 21–22
10-year targets, 52–54
36 hours of pain, 110–111
Tamblyn, Rob, 202–203
tangents, 139–140
target market, 56–59
targets, 10-year, 52–54
Taylor, Shelley, 151
team building and Meeting Pulse, 185–186
teamwork and numbers, 125
technology and the Way, 157
technology company vision story, 30
terminations, 109–110
“The List,” 56–59
Think & Grow Rich (Hill), 131, 141–143
Thoreau, Henry David, 19
three-strike rule, 87–88
three-year picture, 66–68
time, saving, 6
To-Do List, 192–193, 208
Traction Component, 163–198
after traction, 168–169
introduced, 8
Meeting Pulse, 176–198
Rocks, 170–176
summary, 198
before traction, 167–168
transparency, business, 6
20/80 rule, 153–155
Unique Ability®, 82–85
Unique Ability (Nomura, Waller, and Waller), 82
unique qualities, 59–60
United States Small Business Administration report, 19
Viscott, David, 24
Entrepreneurial Operating System, 3–8
meeting, 75
visionaries, 94–97
Vision Component, 27–77. see also The Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO)